
Diverticulitis is the inflammatory process of diverticulae, which are localized outpouchings that develop along the intestinal walls.


The formation of these small "pockets" can be of a congenital or acquired nature, but it is not yet clear what the triggering factor is that leads to this anatomical alteration.
The risk factors that may favour the onset of diverticulitis include:

  • age (the probability increases with advancing age)
  • excessive consumption of meat or fat
  • reduced consumption of fibre
  • obesity
  • sedentary lifestyle


The probability that the presence of diverticula can lead to the inflammatory process, and therefore to diverticulitis, is relatively low (10-15%), but those suffering from this pathology may show very different signs such as:

  • pain in the left side of the abdomen
  • flatulence
  • elevated temperature (fever)
  • bleeding


Diverticulitis generally affects men and women over 50 years of age.
Diagnostic imaging and endoscopy are the most common diagnostic methods. 


Treatment varies depending on the severity and frequency of the symptoms, starting from medical/dietary treatments to laparoscopic surgical resection of the tract of the diseased colon. Only rarely is it necessary to intervene in an emergency.